CBSE – The Radiant International School

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House System

TRIS believes in the philosophy that apart from academics, the students must be provided with proper opportunities to explore their creativity. Accordingly cultural programmes and competitions such as song, dance, drama, debating etc are organized to encourage, unearth and nurture the latent talent of the students. They form teams and share responsibility in organizing the events.

The House System is an integral and vibrant part of our school’s culture. There are 4 houses in our school: Purthvi, Jal, Agni & Vayu. Regular inter-house competitions are held throughout the year in various co-curricular and extracurricular activities which foster healthy competitive spirit, encourage participation and teamwork and promote leadership development.

Each house has a House Master and House Mistress to whom he/she may turn for assistance at any time. The house system was designed to foster team spirit and a sense of belonging to the school. Furthermore, it enables the senior students of the school to provide care and direction to their junior classmates.